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2013-01-10 23:06     来源:金沙集团官网     
六、Preparation (备考问题)
1、I heard that CFA Institute writes the exam questions based on what is, or is not, in the notes prepared by review course providers. Is that true? (我听说CFA协会是以培训服务商提供的notes中(或notes外)的内容来设计考题的。是真的吗?)

回答:No. The exam development process begins long before any review course has published its notes. CFA Program question writers begin drafting exam questions in mid-July, and spend many months reviewing and fine-tuning the questions and guideline answers. Exam questions are finalized by early March so that copyediting and secure printing can take place in time to ship the exams around the world. (非也。考卷设计早在培训商出版notes前很久就开始了。CFA的考题出题人在七月中就开始了草拟题目了,然后花数月的时间完善考题和指导答案。考题在三月初最终敲定以及时印刷装订发往全球各地的考点。)
2、Do commercial review course providers receive advance exam details from CFA Institute?  (商业CFA培训机构能从CFA协会提前收到考题细节信息吗?)

回答:No. At no time during the exam development process do either the question writers or CFA Institute staff consult with or provide exam information to review course providers. It is important to note that review course providers can only guess at what items will appear on the exams; very often they guess wrong. (不会。考题开发过程中出题人和CFA协会工作人员都不会透露考题信息给培训课程提供商。重点要说明的是,培训提供商只能猜哪部分可能会考。经常来说,他们会猜错。---注:这一段CFA协会有些偏颇之词)
3、I have begun studying for the Level I exam and discovered that there are many formulas presented. Are candidates expected to memorize all these formulas? (我已开始学习一级课程,发现有不少公式。考生需要记住所有这些公式吗?)

回答:Candidates are expected to be able to perform the actions specified in the learning outcome statements (LOS). If a formula is required, then it should be committed to memory. (考生需要按学习要点说明即LOS的指定要求来做。如果公式是被LOS要求的,那么就要记住。)
4、We used to get old exam questions free with the candidate readings book. Why do I now have to pay $50 to do a sample exam? (过去我们能从考生阅读材料中免费得到老的考题。为什么我现在得花50大洋去做模拟试题呢?)

回答:The decision to produce fee-based, online sample exams was made only after extensive study, business planning, and input from various constituents. The primary driving force was candidate demand. Candidates at all three levels have consistently asked CFA Institute to produce sample exams to help with preparation. Candidates have indicated, however, that they wanted any such exams to be more realistic and similar to the actual CFA exams and to offer real-time feedback regarding performance and relevant study materials. Producing sample exams with those characteristics has required, and will continue to require, substantial time and financial resources, especially given the commitment of CFA Institute to maintain the rigorous development principles and standards of the CFA Program. (提供收费的在线模拟题的决策是在全面调查、规划和从各渠道收集信息后做出的。主要驱动力还是考生的需求。三个级别都有考生经常不断问CFA协会提供模拟题帮他们备考。考生表明,他们所需要的模拟题要与真实考试更加接近,并能就结果和相关学习材料提供实时的反馈。)
5、Where can I find a study guide?  (我上哪能找到学习大纲?)

回答:CFA Institute no longer provides a printed “Study Guide.”  All LOS, study sessions, readings, and assigned problems are now integrated into the CFA Program curriculum.  Candidates can find a wealth of information on the curriculum, sample exams, study sessions, and other resources in the online Candidate Toolkit. (中国CFA网上就有,在论坛考生指南栏目以及各个考试级别的栏目中。CFA协会以后不再提供打印的学习大纲了。所有的LOS、学习章节、阅读材料和指定的问题现在整合到CFA官方教材中了。考生将在绿体字链接的在线考生工具箱中找到丰富的有关课程、模拟考试、学习章节和其它资源的信息。)
6、Am I required to buy the CFA Program curriculum?  (我必须要买CFA官方教材吗?)
回答:CFA Institute does not require candidates to purchase the curriculum, but we strongly believe that studying the prescribed curriculum is the best way to prepare for the exams. Remember that the exams are developed directly from the curriculum and are consistent with the learning outcome statements (LOS) assigned by CFA Institute. There is no substitute for studying the original material. (CFA协会不要求考生买指定教材,但是CFA协会强烈相信学习指定官方教材是准备考试的最佳方法。要记住的是,考试题目是直接根据教材开发的并与CFA学会制订的LOS一致,因此没有学习原版材料以外的其它好替代。)

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