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2013-01-10 23:04     来源:金沙集团官网     
二、Membership: New Applicants(新会员申请问题)
1、I am a candidate in the CFA Program. Am I also a member of CFA Institute? (我已经是Candidate,那我是member吗?)

回答:No. The CFA Institute membership process is separate from enrollment for the CFA Program. 非也,会员和报名考试是分离的。
2、How can I apply for CFA Institute membership? (我怎样申请CFA协会会员?)

回答:Find more membership information on the membership page. (去membership page看看就知道了,注意点击绿色字部分进入链接)
3、I do not currently have 48 months of work experience. Can I still become a member of CFA Institute? (我现在没有4年的工作经验,能成为会员吗?)

回答:Yes. If you do not have the necessary work experience for regular membership, you will be recommended for affiliate membership. (可以的。如果你没有必要的工作经验成为常规会员,你可以被推荐为affiliate membership)
4、What is the difference between affiliate and regular membership? (affiliate membership和regular membership有啥区别?)

回答:The only difference in benefits between regular and affiliate membership is that only regular members are allowed to vote on CFA Institute proxies. Being a regular member is a requirement for the eventual award of the CFA charter. (只有regular member才有资格拿CFA证书)
5、How long will the membership application process take? (会员申请过程要多长?)

回答:Processing may take up to 8-10 weeks. Please view the schedule (PDF) for details. (8-10周,可以点开绿体字看详细日程安排)
6、I don’t have a supervisor. Can I still apply for CFA Institute membership? (没有supervisor可以申请会员吗?)

回答:Yes. Contact us to confirm that you do not have a supervisor, and we will waive this requirement. You will need to provide sponsor forms from two Regular members of CFA Institute, one of whom must also be a member of your preferred society. (可以,首先要联系CFA协会确认你没有supervisor.然后,你需要提供两个CFA协会会员的推荐表,其中一个人必须是你所加入的society的会员)
7、I don’t want to ask my supervisor to sponsor me. Can I still apply for CFA Institute membership?(我不想请我的supervisor推荐我,我还能成为会员吗?)

回答:Yes. Contact us to request that we waive this requirement. You will need to provide sponsor forms from two regular members of CFA Institute, one of whom must also be a member of your preferred society. (可以,首先要联系CFA协会确认你不需要supervisor推荐。然后,你需要提供两个CFA协会会员的推荐表,其中一个人必须是你所加入的society的会员)
8、I don’t know any members of my preferred society. Can I still apply for CFA Institute membership? (我不认识任何我想加入的society的会员,我还能申请成为会员吗?)

回答:Yes. You may contact your preferred society’s membership chair for assistance in locating sponsors. (可以。你可以联系你所想加入society的负责人来协助你)
9、I do not live close to a member society. Can I apply to CFA Institute only without also applying to a member society?  (我住的不靠近当地协会,我能不申请成为当地协会会员而只申请成为CFA协会会员吗?)

回答:No, you will still need to choose and apply to one of our member societies in order to apply for CFA Institute membership. A number of CFA Institute societies are willing to assist applicants in remote areas with locating society members to sponsor them. Read more about the Remote Sponsorship Program. (不行。)
10、I do not know any society members who can sponsor me. Can you waive the member sponsor requirement for me?  (我不认识任何能推荐我的协会会员。能否为我取消会员推荐的要求?)

回答:No, one of your two sponsors must be a member of your preferred society. A number of CFA Institute societies are willing to assist applicants in remote areas with locating society members to sponsor them. Read more about the Remote Sponsorship Program. (不行。)
11、I am interested in applying for membership but am not sure I will qualify for regular membership. Can I send you my work experience and have you tell me whether my work experience will be acceptable?  (我想申请会员,但是不知道自己是否够资格成为regular会员。我能将我的工作经验发给协会然后由协会来告诉我是否我的工作经验可以接受吗?)

回答:No. You must first submit your complete membership application, including sponsor forms (PDF) and work experience, and we will review your work experience to determine your qualifications. (不行。你必须首先提交你的完整的会员申请表格,包括推荐表格和工作经验,然后,我们将审查你的工作经验判断你是否够资格)
12、I submitted a membership application. How can I view my current status? (我已经发送了一个会员申请,我怎样查看目前进展状态?)

回答:If you are a CFA Program candidate, you can view your current status  online. If you are not a CFA Program candidate, you may e-mail us to verify your current status in the application process. (如果你是CFA Program的Candidate,你可以在线查看你的当前状态,如果你不是CFA Program的Candidate,你可以email协会来验证申请过程进展情况)
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